Why we love being a part of your Wedding & special celebration

You’ve got to find what you love... Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do...
— Steve Jobs

It’s a great saying and one we believe in and take very seriously.

We love what we do and once you make the decision to book with In The Grove you will have our undivided attention to ensure your event, be it a wedding or other special celebration, is planned, organised and run to the very best of our ability. We don’t just work 9-5. One of us is available every day and you are welcome to contact us by phone, email or message at a time that is convenient to you.

  • You, the client are our focus and we will manage, plan, style and design your event to create the WOW factor that will make your day exceptional and always exceed expectations.

  • As much as possible we will build a personal connection with you so that we can work together to understand your ideas and put them into place.

  • Attention to detail is our strength and your event will be planned and carried out with nothing left to chance. We can’t control either the weather or what happens offsite, but when you arrive at Pine Grove be assured your day will run smoothly for you with every contingency considered and covered.

  • We expect a challenge and aren’t afraid of hard work. Every aspect of your event will be managed with patience, energy and the creativity of people that care about your happiness and the success of your event.

You will work with business owners Ian & Sandy Hatton, the experts who will organise and build your event. On the day they will be joined by other team members who will serve and support you.

And finally, how lucky are we… we get to plan and attend all the best parties!

- Sandy Hatton, Business Owner, In The Grove

Ian & Sandy - Photography by Jane Hart

Ian & Sandy - Photography by Jane Hart


5 Tips for hosting wedding guests with food allergies & food choices